"The true stories of tabletop gamers." We take actual gaming stories and retell them in this live action webseries.
We all have them, and we've all told them - the Gaming Story. No doubt some of them are interesting, but most, honestly fall flat to the listener. Yet we know, deep down, that this was a great story.
In each episode of Table Tales, we take actual gaming stories, and retell them using our cast of characters. Much like the famous old cop drama, Dragnet, "The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent." And in some cases... the guilty.
This is Table Tales.
Season One of table tales will contain a minimum of six episodes. Each episode will run about 10 minutes, and is done in live action - with a cast of characters that won't change from episode to episode. This allows you to not only identify with certain characters, but hopefully get attached to them as well. Hey, we all know it's the subplots that make the best gaming campaigns. The same goes for a webseries about gaming.
So, each episode is self-contained, but does develop the overall story just a bit more - just like any other TV comedy or drama.
Want an example of what an episode of Table Tales might look or feel like? Below is a rough cut episode that was done with some stand-in "actors."
I want to be honest and upfront here (of course, I've been honest the entire time). This is a large project that we want to not only get right, but get it out on time as well. We feel that while stretch goals are a good thing, they can become the Terrasque of Kickstarter projects. With that in mind, we are only laying out two stretch goals. We feel this not only serves the project well by keeping us focused, but allows us to serve backers better by being able to deliver.
$14,000 - Bonus Episode!
We'll add a new episode to Season 1, bringing the total to 7!
$15,500 - Hard Work Pays Off
We told you we want to reward quality work. At this level, we'll pay all those involved in the production of Table Tales a bit more for their hard work. This includes cast & crew.
To Infinity and Beyond
Any additional funding past this point will be used to help finance future seasons ofTable Tales. If, for some reason there are no more seasons of Table Tales, the leftover funds will be turned over to helping with Fear the Con.
Risks and challengesLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
A great idea such as this needs to be tempered properly, thus we are limited the first season of Table Tales to just six episodes, though our stretch goals do allow for an extra episode to be added.
This number of episodes helps keep the cost down and gives a reasonable time frame for not only production, but successful delivery of the series as well.
As far as experience in this regard, let me give you a little background on myself:
I have worked in local television for over 20 years, in a variety of roles from news writing, video editing, newscast production, commercial production and marketing. I have received several regional EMMY nominations for my promotional work, and also been awarded the National Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Documentary (Small Market) in 2009, beating out 13 other regional winners from around the country. I wrote and directed the documentary. I understand what a project of this type entails and how to get it done.
And though the video makes light of my RPG-writing career in the 90's, I know and understand gaming and what's needed to complete a project. Check my bio for more.
Of course, once it's released, the biggest challenge is getting people to watch it.
So, ask away if you have any questions, and if you decide to back the show, thank you so much!
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