"So here's the original board that I am trying to make:

The middle portion is a pit sunk in the ground so the challenge was to raise the board so that there can be an actual pit. So I worked on recreating the pit out of dungeon pieces:
If you look at the picture above, there is some poison gas and liquid coming into the pit through holes in the walls. I decided on having a gated archway as well as some holes.

Here it is painted and completed: (Finally got to use the 1.5" dungeon accessory mold! Those were the first molds I got, thinking I would use them for Descent but ended up going 1" instead so I never used them. Finally, the poison gives me a reason!)

The corner blocks are removable in case I want a pit that is 4x4.
Next, I had to make a raised platform so that the pit could be sunk below the board. I opted to build a nice wooden frame using decorative trim:

For the top, I just cut 1/8" tag board, one with a hole for the pit and another without the hole. Here is how I assemble it:

And after placing all the tiles, here is how it turned out!

Tomorrow, I'll place the tiles and post photos of the other board included in the game. But I'm happy with how this turned out. I read on Board Game Geek that the game shipped out yesterday for Kickstarters. Hopefully, that means I'll get the game in another month or so."
Source : http://hirstarts.yuku.com/topic/7098/Krosmaster-Arena-BoardWIP?page=2#.U24qpHV_s6g
That is amazing!