This is to add a bit of random danger to the quests and to allow the monsters to come to the heroes from time to time instead of just sitting there. Normally when when there's no monsters on the point it's completely pointless to roll movement dice. Dungeons should be more dangerous and unpredictable.
The GM rolls two standard dice at the start of each of their turns and compares the result to the event number. The event number is the number of Heroes remaining plus one for every four followers, so for 1-4 followers add one to the event number, for 5-8 followers add two, etc.
Above the event number = Nothing.
Equal to the event number = Activates the nearest room to a random Adventurer who's in sight of a door to a room with Monsters.
Under the event number = Random Event.
Random Events
1 = Monster Patrol.
2 = Wandering Monsters.
3 = A random Adventurer triggers a Hidden Trap.
4 = Rare Event.
5 = A random Hero draws a Treasure Card.
6 = A random Hero finds treasure: Skull = D6x10gp, White Shield = Random potion, Black Shield = Random scroll.
Monster Patrols
Skull = Two Monsters, White Shield = One, Black Shield = Three.
Monsters are placed on a square that's in sight of an Adventurer but directly adjacent to square that isn't and that leads to an unexplored area. If there's more than one Monster then place the others on any square directly adjacent to the previous one and that's in sight of an Adventurer, and if there's three do the same again. Monster Patrols can take their turn as soon as they're triggered.
Wandering Monsters
Skull = One Monster, White Shield = Two, Black Shield = Three.
The same rules as Monster Patrols except that they can't do anything on the turn that they're triggered.
Hidden Traps
1 = Spear Trap, 2 = Shallow Hole, 3 = Poisoned Dart, 4 = Swinging Blade, 5 = Fireburst, 6 = Gas Trap.
The shallow hole is a pit trap that doesn't obscure movement, so it automatically causes 1BP damage but doesn't have any lasting effect. Poison damage can only be healed by something that specifically states that it can. The swinging blade works the same as in AtOH and affects the target square plus two more in a straight line in a random available direction. The fireburst trap works the same as in WoM except that it's instant and in corridors it affects the target square and those adjacent to it (including diagonally).
Poisoned Dart
Skull = Lose 1BP poison damage, White Shield = Unaffected, Black Shield = Lose 1MP poison damage.
Gas Trap
Every Character in the same room or corridor section(s) misses a turn and rolls a combat dice. On a skull they lose 1BP and on a black shield they lose 1BP poison damage. A section of corridor is up to and including junctions. Undead are immune to gas.
Rare Events
6 = Monster Restoration: Heals and/or revives Monsters.
7 = Alarm: All Monsters in a random board section (including explored ones but not empty ones) become active.
8 = Ambush: One Monster Patrol for each available direction that leads to an unexplored area.
9 = Monster Protection Aura: All Monsters are immune to damage until the beginning of the GM's next turn.
10 = Monster Rejuvenation: All Monsters regain one lost BP and MP.
11 = Lure Of Evil: A random Follower switches allegiance and is now treated as a Monster.
12 = Insect Swarm: The area fills with a cloud of insects.
13 = Sneak Attack: A random Adventure is attacked using the vanilla Wandering Monster rules.
14 = Trapped: One Wandering Monster for each available direction that leads to an unexplored area.
15 = Fool's Gold: A random Hero realises that D6x10 of their gold is fake.
16 = Equipment Damage: A random Hero damages a random piece of equipment or potion.
17 = Leader: The next Monster (random if there's more than one) with 3BP or less to be revealed is able attack twice in melee each round.
18 = Sealed In: All doors on the board close and can't be opened again until the beginning of the GM's next turn.
19 = Monster Psychic Aura: The Adventurers are struck by a powerful magical force.
20 = Monster Power Aura: Monsters defend on white shields, not black and attack on black shields and skulls until the beginning of the GM's next turn.
21 = Dampening: All Characters are unable to cast spells until the beginning of the GM's next turn and all ongoing spell effects are ended.
22 = Mentor's Power Aura: Adventurers count black shields as successful rolls when attacking and defending until the beginning of the GM's next turn.
23 = Mentor's Psychic Aura: The Monsters are struck by a powerful magical force.
24 = Animosity: An amusing fight breaks out amongst the Monsters.
25 = Unbound: The magic binding the walking dead is broken, all active Undead with 0MP crumble to dust.
26 = Map: The contents (excluding Monsters) of a random board section (including explored ones but not empty ones) is laid out.
27 = Precious Gem: A random Hero spots a shiny... 1 = Amber 50gp, 2 = Pearl 100, 3 = Emerald 150, 4 = Ruby 200, 5 = Sapphire 250, 6 = Diamond 300.
28 = Equipment: Shuffle the equipment cards and deal one to a random Hero.
29 = Artifact: A random Hero finds a... Skull = Magical Throwing Dagger, White Shield = Lucky Charm (allows one reroll), Black Shield = Elixir Of Life.
30 = Magic Items: A random Hero finds one random potion and one random scroll.
31 = Follower: You make a new friend.
32 = Mentor's Rejuvenation: All Adventurers regain one lost BP and MP.
33 = Mentor's Protection Aura: All Adventurers are immune to damage until the beginning of the GM's next turn.
34 = Master Scroll: A random Hero finds a Master Scroll that can be used to cast a spell without discarding it.
35 = Master Potion: A random Hero finds an all in one potion that causes every standard potion effect (healing restores D6 BP) including the two poisons.
36 = Adventurer Restoration: Heals and/or revives Adventurers.
Skull = Minor Restoration: All wounded Monsters/Adventurers are restored to full BP. White Shield = Major Restoration: All dead Monsters/Adventurers are resurrected and placed anywhere on the board with full BP. Black Shield = Total Restoration: All wounded Monsters/Adventurers are restored to full BP and all dead Monsters/Adventurers are resurrected with full BP.
Revived Heroes can be placed on any available squares, revived monsters are placed on their starting squares.
Insect Swarm
The room or corridor of a random Adventurer fills with a swarm of insects, limiting Adventurers to one action and Monsters to half movement if they perform an action until the beginning of the GM's next turn.
Equipment Damage
Damaged equipment can't be used and can be repaired by a blacksmith for half it's full value. Potions are destroyed.
Psychic Aura
Skull = Every target rolls a combat dice and loses 1BP on a skull and one 1MP on a black shield. White Shield = Every target has to roll under their current MP on a standard dice or miss their next turn. Black Shield = Both effects.
If two different races of Monster (not Undead) are active then they have to attack (or move towards them if they can't reach) the other race if there's a member of that race closer to them than an Adventurer. If there's more than two Monster races then determine them randomly but if any Orcs and/or Goblins are active they are automatically one or both of the races affected. Lasts until there are no active monsters of one of the races.
Skull = Excludes traps and secret doors. White Shield = Includes secret doors but not traps. Black Shield = Includes traps and secret doors.
Skull = Mercenary Follower: A random Mercenary is encountered after his previous employers have been slain and becomes the Follower of a random Hero. If the Hero already has their maximum number of Followers then the Mercenary can be given to another Hero when the Quest is over. White Shield = Hero Follower: You encounter a random Hero with three remaining BP after his previous party have been slain, who becomes the Follower of a random Hero for the remainder of the Quest. Black Shield = Monster Follower: A random active (or from the next group encountered if none are active) Monster (not Undead) with 3BP or less decides they're on the wrong side and becomes the Follower of a random Hero for the remainder of the Quest.
Simple Version
Above the event number = Nothing.
Equal to or under the event number = Activates the nearest room to a random Adventurer who's in sight of a door to a room with Monsters.
Basic Version
Above the event number = Nothing.
Equal to or under the event number = Random Event.
Random Events
1 = Monster Patrol.
2 = Wandering Monsters.
3 = A random Adventurer triggers a Hidden Trap.
4 = Activates the nearest room to a random Adventurer who's in sight of a door to a room with Monsters.
5 = A random Hero draws a Treasure Card.
6 = A random Hero finds treasure: Skull = D6x10gp, White Shield = Random potion, Black Shield = Random scroll.
Alternate Version
Above the event number = Nothing.
Equal to the event number = Random Event.
Under the event number = Rare Event.
Random Events
1 = Monster Patrol.
2 = Wandering Monsters.
3 = A random Adventurer triggers a Hidden Trap.
4 = Activates the nearest room to a random Adventurer who's in sight of a door to a room with Monsters.
5 = A random Hero draws a Treasure Card.
6 = A random Hero finds treasure: Skull = D6x10gp, White Shield = Random potion, Black Shield = Random scroll.
I've deliberately made it very modular and left out events like miss and mighty swing that would be better suited to something like combat cards so it's flexible enough to use with other rules. The way the rare events work for the standard and advanced versions is to roll six dice so the chances of anything at either end of the table coming up are remote in the extreme. One way of fixing that is to both roll dice and if the heroes dice is higher then add either the score or however much they beat the EWP by to the table result and if the EWP wins then minus either the score or however much they beat the heroes dice by to the table result. You could also allow a certain amount of fate points on each side to alter the result by one for each or award them for completing certain objectives, or you could just use it as it is and keep them as extremely rare events.
Here's an idea for varied swarms if you want to come up with the rules for them.
1 = Insect Swarm, 2 = Rat Swarm, 3 = Bat Swarm, 4 = Spider Swarm, 5 = Scorpion Swarm, 6 = Snake Swarm.
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meanwhilebackinthedungeon: – Esteban Maroto
– Esteban Maroto
4 hours ago
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