I'm on a high at the moment :) Sort of like 2nd-Christmas today with a bunch of things arriving at the same time :)
I won an auction a week or two back at an amazing price, for Descent 1st Ed and all five expansions, minus their miniatures. Some of the expansions don't even come with minis, but they were still super discounted by the seller!
I knew it would be a lot of stuff when it arrived, but when the parcel arrived today, it was sheer awesomeness - completely covering my gaming table! Now that I've got all of the game's dungeon and overland tiles, I can refer to them to create all six boxes worth of maps in 3D, and while I'm slowly constructing all the 3D stuff, I can still use the original flat illustrated tiles to play the game :)
(To save on postage, he managed to fit all the stuff into the main Descent box, and the Road to Legend and Sea of Blood boxes. Even included some counter holders for some of the counters and dice! All this stuff actually fits into those three boxes, if packed carefully! The Descent 1st Ed box is 2 feet long! (61 cm!)
Winning the game at auction meant that I was then able to purchase pre-painted DnD miniatures game figures, and some cheap figures from Reaper Miniatures, as proxies for the game's official monsters. I got some of them today as well!
The monsters come as Regular and Master versions, so for the Dragons, Ogres and Demons, I got different minis for regular or master. Today the "Master Demon" arrived in the mail (pre-painted DnD figure). I was surprised at how good the pre-painted paint job was on this one.
Then the Reaper Miniatures are from their cheap plastic Bones range, but has a lot of detail for the price. I'm using werewolves for Beast Men, gargoyles for Razor Wings, and skeleton archers for... Skeleton Archers. (I'll have to paint and base these ones.)
Now I've just got to wait on the mail for the rest of the game's monsters to arrive! Most of them are pre-painted DnD figures off of ebay, so they can play right away. I found the trick when buying individual figures is to find a seller that has almost all the figures you're after, and buy from them - because instead of paying postage on each figure, postage gets combined. Each additional figure only cost me 15 cents from one seller, instead of an additional $6 - $12 per figure if I had bought them individually! Source : http://paulslotrminis.blogspot.be/2013/02/descent-and-all-five-expansions.html
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