Zealot Miniatures has just a couple days left for their Twisting Catacombs terrain Kickstarter campaign.
They originally wanted 5.5k. They’re above 70k. So be sure to check out all the unlocked stretch goals and extras as they go into the last hours.
From the campaign:
Today is the 2nd Highest funding day of the project! And the project auto-reminders have not even been sent out yet!
Things are shaping for a really amazing conclusion to a fantastic scenery filled month.
What have we done today then? First off All the Door Sizes are Prototyped and these will be photographed on boards and tiles of various sizes, first thing tomorrow morning

We have updated the graphic of the Chaos Stone with the finished Sculpt! If you look closely when you get the finished model, it has fleshy organic innards between the cracks of stone. Evil and icky!
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