Sunday 17 May 2009

300dpi temporarily by request

Due to our current Situation, all 300dpi files have been removed to appease our current Web Host. Guests who would prefer a 300dpi file instead of the 150dpi files still available are asked to contact me. The situation is unfortunate, but we are working on ways to keep our hosting ( Such as this!), at least until new accommodations can be found. In the meantime, we will continue expanding our resources in Greek, Italian and Spanish however, only 150dpi files will be posted and 300dpi will remain available only upon request.
If Ye Olde Inn is able to survive long enough, we have big plans for late summer. A Quest Design Contest is in the works with a nice prize to the winner. Details will be revealed in the next month or two on the Forums. This will be an especially exciting contest as anyone may enter and all entries will be judged by Forum members instead a selected judging panel.
Ye Olde Inn is a fan supported Website, thus we are unable to afford a dedicated server, which would solve our problem. It is our policy not to sellout to advertisers in order to keep our Website clean and clutter free. Although donations are both accepted and extremely appreciated, 87% of our 'cheap, shared-hosting' costs last year were out of my own pocket. We at Ye Olde Inn do not charge fees for guests to download our great content, as we and all of our contributors strongly believe in giving back to our community members who continuously provide great fan-created content in order to keep our favourite fantasy board game alive.
Even though during recent discussion about our present situation it has been mentioned that if every visitor donated a single dollar once a year, we would be able to maintain Ye Olde Inn on a fast and spacious dedicated server rather than on a 'limited' unlimited shared server, we do not expect our guests to be responsible for the costs incurred in providing Ye Olde Inn to our community. All we ask is that our guests understand our situation, and that any guests who are willing or able to assist please do so (donations, providing fan content, engaging in forum discussions, providing advice on any and all situations from Web Hosting to Website feedback... any and all are appreciated).
A special "Thank You" goes out to all who have helped Ye Olde Inn become what it is today, and to all who continue to help Ye Olde Inn become what it will be in the future.

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